For a list of all publications, visit the google scholar citations profile.
Task-induced neural covariability as a signature of approximate Bayesian learning and inference
RD Lange, RM HaefnerbioRxiv, January 2020
A probabilistic population code based on neural samples
Shivkumar, Sabyasachi and Lange, Richard D. and Chattoraj, Ankani and Haefner, Ralf M.Advances of Neural Information Processig Systems 31, January 2018
A neural basis for the spatial suppression of visual motion perception
Liu, Liu D and Haefner, Ralf M and Pack, Christopher CeLife, January 2016
Perceptual Decision-Making as Probabilistic Inference by Neural Sampling
Haefner, Ralf M. and Berkes, Pietro and Fiser, JozsefNeuron, January 2016
A note on choice and detect probabilities in the presence of choice bias
Haefner, Ralf MarXiv, January 2015
Inferring decoding strategies from choice probabilities in the presence of correlated variability
Haefner, Ralf M and Gerwinn, Sebastian and Macke, Jakob H and Bethge, MatthiasNature Neuroscience, January 2013
Decision-making in a sampling-based neural representation
Haefner, Ralf M and Berkes, Pietro and Fiser, JozsefFrontiers in Neuroscience, January 2012
Suppressive Mechanisms in Monkey V1 Help to Solve the Stereo Correspondence Problem
Tanabe, Seiji and Haefner, Ralf M. and Cumming, Bruce G.Journal of Neuroscience, January 2011
Evaluating neuronal codes for inference using Fisher information
Haefner, Ralf M and Bethge, MatthiasAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23, January 2010
An improved estimator of Variance Explained in the presence of noise
Haefner, Ralf M and Cumming, Bruce GAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21, January 2009
Adaptation to natural binocular disparities in primate V1 explained by a generalized energy model
Haefner, Ralf M and Dehnen, Walter and Evans, N Wyn and Binney, JamesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, January 2000
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